PLEASE HELP OUR NEIGHBORS during this hot summer season in this upcoming Black Bag Collection on July 9 &10, 2022. Our focus with this collection will be to help those in our community deal with rent and utility issues as well as assist those living in temporary housing to find affordable housing in our area. The March Black Bag proceeds of $5872 allowed us to assist 28 families with their transition to affordable housing or safe-haven locations. During the last three months, we disbursed approximately $47,000 amongst 170 families, primarily associated with their rent and shelter needs. The St Mark pantry assisted 322 families with 2.8 tons of parishioner-provided food during this period. The pantry was also able to provide food to other Plano pantries during this period.. In some of our encounters, we strive to address systemic issues over time to allow families to regain their footing.
For example: A few weeks ago we got a call from a gentleman; let’s call him “Jim”. Jim’s story is pretty simple. He uses his pickup truck for work. Unfortunately, his truck blew out the master cylinder of his brakes, an expensive repair. But Jim is not short of talent or ambition; he set out to do the repair himself. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the $200 to buy the parts. Without his truck he couldn’t work; no work, no pay.We met Jim at the auto parts store, bought the parts he needed and helped him fix his truck right there in the store’s parking lot. He’s back to work!
If you miss the second collection opportunity, please feel free to place your donation in the Poor Box, in the collection basket at a later time designated to SVdP. You may also make an online donation to SVDP on the page. We thank you for your continuing generosity to this shared mission. Please keep our ministry and neighbors in your prayers.
Our ministry has immediate need for helpers to assist taking assistance calls, assist the SVdP pantry in North Dallas in admin- istrative support tasks, and Saturday AM pantry operations including the Catholic Charities Food Van. The Plano Overnight Warming Station also needs volunteers as we have reached serving hundreds of homeless individuals this winter. Please call 972 282 8077 to signup.