Come and see how the Holy Spirit can work in you. The Wild Goose program is designed for you to have an encounter with the Holy Spirit. Through Wild Goose we hope to engage young adults (age 21 - 35) that have the desire to continue growing in their Catholic faith and want to be leaders and help build our St. Mark community. For more information contact Deyanira Peña at [email protected] or Ruth Sanchez at [email protected]
What: Awakening in our hearts God’s love and transforming power (Holy Spirit)
Why: We all are in need to experience true love to share it with others (Evangelize)
How: Walking together as a community for 7 weeks helping one another
When: Once a week on Thursdays Oct 12,19,26 Nov 2,9,16,30 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Where: Great Hall