The Wild Goose is a work of the Holy Spirit, which is awakening in the hearts of all those participating in God's love and transforming power. This is a love that has been revealed to us by Jesus Christ and that leads us to our heavenly Father. Pray...Come, Holy Spirit. At this very moment, stop and ask the Holy Spirit to come to you....
If you allow him, the Wild Goose will lead you on an adventure greater than you can imagine. The Spirit will lead you to a place of mercy, healing, peace, and presence. The Holy Spirit has been given to us not as a possession to be tamed or controlled, but rather as a Person that will lead us to the Heart of God. The Wild Goose series will help you experience a deeper relationship with the Person of the Holy Spirit, and as you come to experience God's presence and power this very same Spirit will transform you and bring you freedom.
Join us on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm, beginning April 4 through May 16 in the Great Room of the St. Mark Parish Center.